077603 85395
About me

Hello! I’m Alistair Richardson

Hello! I’m Alistair Richardson
I specialise in helping people overcome the effects of trauma, childhood trauma, co-dependency, all addictions, sex and love addiction, love addiction/love avoidance, spiritual blocks and in helping people to achieve success in their lives. I combine traditional approaches with energy psychology and spiritual methods to be more effective. Some of my qualifications and trainings are an MSc in Addiction Counselling and Psychotherapy, Post induction Therapy,(Pia Mellody’s model from the Meadows for healing and resolving developmental and childhood trauma) EFT Trainer level and Energy EFT Master practitioner (tapping/acupressure to release limiting beliefs and emotions), Matrix Re-imprinting,(EFT with inner-child work along with Law of Attraction), Attunement,(spiritual healing practice to connect with and embody your radiant Spiritual Self) Sparkle to Success,(energy clearing to heal trauma and raise your vibration,)and Gaia Master and Gaia Eternal Light healer.
I have worked as an addiction, trauma and EFT therapist for 15 years and as a healer and Reiki teacher for 23 years. I am also an Intention Tapping Practitioner.

I am in recovery from addiction and co-dependency and this fuels my passion for helping others. I have worked at some of the top rehab centres in the UK and internationally in roles such as the Senior Therapist in North London Priory Addiction Treatment Program and as live in Therapist or specialist trauma therapist at Rosglas recovery and at the Kusnacht Practice. I have helped thousands of people find freedom from addiction and trauma. For 8 years I have run Survivor workshops to help people overcome abuse and trauma in childhood, supporting them in healing and re-parenting themselves whilst continuing to work in private practice. I help family members who have difficulty with loved ones who have addiction issues too.

More personally I am happily married to my inspiring, wise, vibrant and compassionate wife, who works as an a Open Dialogue family therapist and EMDR practitioner, and I am the father of two amazing, beautiful daughters who draw out from me the most wonderful love and joy. I believe that there is a Divine Spark of Love, Light and Wholeness in everyone and that we all have a part to play in the creation of a more loving, harmonious world. My purpose is to help people wake up to this or more fully realise and express this, through helping people heal trans-generational and childhood trauma, free themselves from addiction and to connect with their Spiritual Self, other people and the Divine. My mission is to be a Blessing, Wherever I am, Whoever I am with and Whatever I am doing, the job is the same……..to be a Blessing.

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Hythe Kent, Zoom and Skype

077603 85395
