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Workshops & Trainings

Trauma Survivors Workshop

November 22nd 2024  – November 24th 2024
December 6th 2024  – December 8th 2024
January 31st 2025  – February 2nd 2025


Spaces Available

Healing and Re-parenting the inner-child workshop

for EFT / Matrix Re-imprinting practitioners & therapists only

Contact me for further information





EFTMRA Level 1 & 2 Practitioner Training

6th to 8th September


Healing Trauma Workshop

Alistair Richardson MSc and Shaun Simon

Alistair completed his training with Pia in 2010. Since then we have been facilitating Healing Trauma Workshops, based on the pioneering work of Pia Mellody, and her ‘Survivors’ work at The Meadows.

The Healing Trauma Workshop is a 3 day long intensive programme, investigating the origins of adult dysfunctional behaviours. In this educational and experiential process, participant’s primary focus will be to learn to identify and address those early childhood and adolescent issues which have fuelled various addictions, depression/mood/anxiety disorders and painful relationships.

In this revolutionary process, it’s about getting in touch with the feelings that follow any ‘less-than-nurturing’ events which occurred in the past.  PIT therapy is aimed at working through and correcting unhelpful and self destructive thought processes, along with helping to resolve the consequential anguish and grief.

The Healing Trauma Workshop is divided into 3 phases.

The Informational/Educational Phase: The Debriefing Phase: The Experiential Phase.

The Informational/Educational Phase:

Group participants are educated on the 5 core symptoms of codependence, the secondary symptoms, and the resulting difficulty with intimacy and relationships, the nature of ‘lessthan-nurturing’ or abusive behaviour, and the resulting feelings.  Through interactive group discussion, individuals will become well informed on the need for healthy boundaries, and recognise the effect of boundary violations on adult behaviours.  A blameless approach is used to focus on the individual’s perception of their childhood, and the significance of their relationship with their parents or primary care givers.

Debriefing Phase:


Individual’s will recollect traumatic childhood and adolescent events, explore the memories of the events that took place, and work through the associated feelings and grief in a nurturing and safe environment, with the support of other individuals who have experienced similar circumstances.

Experiential Phase:


It is in this phase that individual’s find tremendous release of painful feelings, and carried shame, and begin the transformation from victim to survivor.  Individual’s will learn to heal and thrive, finding the validation they’ve been looking for, and making new associations with events that occurred throughout their early years.  This work is symbolic, and confronts the issues of the shame core, alerts one to the source of his/her carried shame, helps one to understand how the sense of worthlessness originated and identify its point of origin, allows one to detoxify from his/her carried shame or experience of worthlessness, reduces the number of, intensity, and length of shame attacks, allows one to identify those persons who are responsible for the trauma, establishes who is the be held accountable, places the responsibility for the healing process on oneself, retrieves self esteem and empowers him/herself (through empowerment one experiences self worth, and is a cleansing process in which the survivor gives back  the shame and other feelings to the source) Inner child work is embarked on, as an intervention modality used in the reparenting process. This process enhances your ability to take care of yourself, and maintain an adult ego state. At the end of The Healing Trauma Workshop, individuals will be able to turn the volume down on over reactions to current day adult dysfunction and trauma. This is the process of becoming a Functional Adult, allowing a person to become maturely relational.

Energy Psychology:

I use cutting edge methods like Intention Tapping to help you do the work more easily and deepky and teach you some self-help basics.


To attend the workshop you must have a risk assessment first with myself or Shaun.